About Kyle

Hey hey,

I am Kyle, your affiliate marketing liaison, helper, and point of contact if you are looking to build a successful business online. I know this online world is full of all different types of offers, schemes, and sometimes scams and my goal is to help you navigate this environment and ultimately help you create success within the online world.

Who the heck am I though? What are my credentials within the online world and why should you trust me with your online business?

These are natural questions that one would have before trusting ANYONE online, so I want to spend a moment and explain a bit about my journey within the online world.

My Start Online…Started Back in 2002.

Back in 2002, I was working in a Computer Science lab project in college, and a classmate mentioned that they were making money from this thing called “affiliate marketing”. They briefly mentioned how it worked, and left it at that. They seemed a little secretive about the whole thing, so I was intrigued.

I spent the next few weeks figuring it out through my research what there was in terms of online information , and about a month later I was up and running with my first affiliate marketing website. The journey had started, and unlike most folks these days, there was little training to go off of.

I started within the PPC (Pay Per Click) world, and I started out with a borrowed credit card. It was actually my girlfriends card (now wife), with a budget of $5 per day in advertising.

And then a few weeks later, something revealing happened. I made my FIRST affiliate marketing sale online. I believe it was for around $30 in commissions…and at that VERY moment it became so real, I knew that I could make much more of it.

That was the point of no return…in a good way. I pushed hard over the next year, learning everything I could about the affiliate marketing space and just over the year mark, I was earning more money than my professors at school…moving to a point where I was earning MORE than a full time income. I knew this was my future.

Fast Forward 3 Years Later…

The next 3 years were very fruitful ones for me within the online world. I took my affiliate marketing campaigns to the next level, earning a growing 6-figure income all the next 3 years online taking advantage of many niches, and all sorts of opportunities.

Then on a winter Saturday night when out with a few friends, I bumped into an old college mate. That person happened to be Carson, the one that introduced me to the concept of affiliate marketing. We discussed the online business world, and decided we should meet to “join forces”and combine our unique skill sets within the online world.

Over the coming weeks, we put together plans to start a business HELPING affiliate marketers and aspiring affiliate marketers create success online. We figured that if we could do it, we could help others as well. Subsequently, in Sept 2005 we started what at the time was a little website dedicated to affiliate marketers, called Wealthy Affiliate.

This “small” website has since evolved into the most respected, most advanced, and most thorough affiliate marketing platform in the world….with over 2.7 MILLION members, many of which have gone from nothing to very successful online.

Now My Goal is Helping Folks Like YOU.

I have been at this 19 years full time online now, and over the years have literally worked directly with 100,000’s of aspiring and very successful entrepreneurs. This includes helping folks achieve 7-figure success online, and working with budding entrepreneurs helping them get over some initial hurdles starting a business online.

Within WealthyAffiliate.com and through my website here, I am actively engaged in helping folks. I know I can help you, and I want to help you. So enjoy some content here at MarketingWithKyle.com and if you ever want to work with me directly, you can do so at WealthyAffiliate.com (create a free Starter account here).

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Kyle – Founder


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